Daily Fantasy
The combination of social research and daily fantasy allows users to learn about the stock market in a fun, competitive, and social way with low risk because you can only lose your entry fee. There is a low barrier to entry for users because the gameplay is simple and easy.
You will be able to play with an assortment of entry fees, payout structures, competition types, number of entrants, and time periods. The possibilities of competition types–much like sports fantasy–are endless, and you can select the best competition for you!
Enter into weekly competitions with varying entry fees, payout structures, competition types, number of entrants, and time periods that align with your preferences.
Add your stocks, allocate weights, and submit your entry fee.
View your recent, live, and upcoming contests, and view the current standings on your live contests to see how you're doing.
View your portfolio performance and matchups with others to see how well you need to do to stay or enter into "the money".